Product Fees
$ 20.00 Safe Deposit Box 2x5/per year*
$ 25.00 Safe Deposit Box 3x5/per year*
$ 35.00 Safe Deposit Box 5x5/per year*
$ 40.00 Safe Deposit Box 3x10/per year*
$ 50.00 Safe Deposit Box 5x10/per year*
$ 75.00 Safe Deposit Box 7x10/per year*
$100.00 Safe Deposit Box 10x10/per year*
$100.00 Safe Deposit Box Drilling
$ 20.00 Safe Deposit Box lost key
* Where Available
Miscellaneous Fees
$ 2.00 Cash withdrawal at ATM, withdrawals made at other locations
$ 1.00 Balance Inquiry at ATM, inquires made at other locations
$ 5.00 Replace ATM/Debit Card
.02% MasterCard Currency Conversion fee
.09% MasterCard Cross-Border Transaction fee
Check Printing (*fee depends on check style ordered)
$ 5.00 Cashier's Check - each item, customer only
$ 3.00 Charge-back fee (deposited checks and other items returned) per item
$ 30.00 Overdraft fee (each item presented, including representment)
$ 30.00 Non-sufficient funds by (each item presented, including representment)
Check, ATM Withdrawal, Debit card purchase, preauthorized withdrawal or other electronic debit per item
$ 1.00 Overdraft Protection, per Auto-transfer from savings/DDA
$ 1.00 Account activity printout, per request
$ 30.00 Account research, per hour (half-hour minimum charge)
$ 1.00 Copy of statement, per request
$ 1.00 Special Statement cutoff, per statement
$ 4.00 Power Pay, per statement cycle
$ .25 Photocopy, per copy
$ 1.50 Microfilmed document, per copy
$ 1.00 Fax Service, per page
$ 25.00 Stop Payment, all items, per debit
$ 15.00 Domestic Wire Transfer, incoming/outgoing, customer only
$ 50.00 Wire transfer Trace request, per request
$ 50.00 Garnishments, Executions, Levies per written order
$ 20.00 Collection Item, per item
$ 25.00 Night Depository lock bag, per bag
$ 6.00 Night Depository zipper bag, per bag
$ 25.00 Account Closed, within 90 days of opening
$ 1.00 Check Cashing Fee (non-customer) per $100, minimum $1
Scroll to the left to view the rest of the table.

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